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Email testing and SMS verification examples using MailSlurp and a wide range of frameworks.

PHP Laravel MailSlurp examples using PHPUnit

This example project demonstrates how to configure MailSlurp with PHP Laravel and PHPUnit.

You can use MailSlurp to send emails (Mailable/Notification) in your application and also to test that emails are received during Dusk tests.

Run the tests

Set API_KEY to your MailSlurp API Key and run the tests:

make dev && make test


To setup the project locally:

Install PHP and composer

Use the following script to install composer:


EXPECTED_CHECKSUM="$(php -r 'copy("", "php://stdout");')"
php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');"
ACTUAL_CHECKSUM="$(php -r "echo hash_file('sha384', 'composer-setup.php');")"

    >&2 echo 'ERROR: Invalid installer checksum'
    rm composer-setup.php
    exit 1

php composer-setup.php --quiet
rm composer-setup.php
exit $RESULT

Configure PHP extensions:

sudo apt-get install php-curl php-mbstring php-xml php-zip

Create a project

php composer.phar create-project laravel/laravel php-laravel-phpunit

Install MailSlurp

php composer.phar require --dev mailslurp/mailslurp-client-php

Configure config/mail.php. See the example file.

Install Dusk

php composer.phar require --dev laravel/dusk
php artisan dusk:install
php artisan dusk:chrome-driver --detect

Create a mailable

php artisan make:mail Newsletter
php artisan make:notification NewsletterNotification